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panafootpan-a-foot (păn' ũh fʊt) v. covering great distances to see more of the world under one s own power
panafoot: What's in a Name?Thanks, Jean! Great chronicle. I m stunned by the many 15+ mile days with 3000+ foot elevation, up and down. I ve tagged all the 4000-footers in the White Mountains (New Hampshire) but only had a couple of days with num
Bail - definition of bail by The Free DictionaryDefine bail. bail synonyms, bail pronunciation, bail translation, English dictionary definition of bail. money to release a prisoner: I had to bail him out of jail.; remove water, as from a boat: They had to bail very fa
One Story Per WeekCopyright (c) 2016 by One Story Per Week
panafoot: It's a Privilegepan-a-foot (păn' ũh fʊt) v. covering great distances to see more of the world under one s own power
Finding Myself??????????? ?Yeah??? He questioned.? It is easier to tell my story if I refer to my former self in the third person.
Strange Places | Fringe SocietyIt s a weird world find your place in it.
In the Cradle of Civilization - Harvard Classics 365The aim of this project is to digitise and promote classic texts, from The Harvard Classics and beyond, to share the joys of learning with all who wish to embrace it. Read More
📘 Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Translation by Gregory Hays.Read for free Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, the book by the Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, in an English translation by Gregory Hays. A FULL MIND, BODY, SOUL REBOOT?
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